

Advancements to specific Food Diary

I love Bearable and the interface but it’s lacking against a majority of the food tracking apps. I don’t want to have to get a separate one just for food.

It’d be great if Bearable could adopt even some of the most basic features amongst them:

  • have a sub-tier level on a food item to breakdown ingredients (ex. Club Sandwich > Bread, Tomato, Lettuce, etc)
  • auto-populate food items and/or ingredients (either from a database or user built library)
  • allow for optional photos for each item
  • barcode scanner or QR database (to pull either product name, calories, nutrition facts, etc)
  • Nutrition Facts fields (even if need to be user-filled)

Plus some that are already mentioned elsewhere in these roadmap suggestions: - time stamp option for food - searchable for food items (can’t find them after they are input without manually looking) - insight tracking for food items*

*this is a HUGE one :)

10 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 16 May 2021 by user Chris B

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  • 16 May 2021 Chris B suggested this task

  • 30 May 2021
  • 30 May 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    Along with the improvements requested above, it would be really helpful to be able to specify the amount of each food eaten instead of having to write it in the food entry itself (ie writing “1 1/2 cup of this food” or “16 oz of this beverage”). It would help to monitor how the size of each meal and the amount of each food impact symptoms.

    19 June 2023
  • avatar

    I’m also very interested in better food tracking with bearable. Seems even just being able to set the order of the items alphabetically would be a big improvement. Searching for a previously input item and having it come up would be even better.

    25 October 2023
  • avatar

    We had a related suggestion from another member of the community:

    “It would be great if I could add more detailed entries to my nutrition log and have them automatically select factors (or I could program it once to have it automatically done in the future). For example, if I make myself a smoothie I can input the ingredients I use and have the correlating factors automatically selected. Or if I get myself something from the store, I can input the ingredients (or most important ingredients) or just detail the brand and item and have the factors selected for me. It’s not practical for me to be always thinking what does this have in it and what factors do I need to mark down.”

    12 April 2024