

Safety check

My therapist is required to perform a safety check every session, having this on my report from this app would be wonderful. The check is simply “have you have thoughts of hurting yourself”

If yes is selected you should have a custom safety plan come up, eg who to call, where to go, things to do to distract from the self harm thoughts.

Maybe it would be better if the options are: .no thoughts of self harm, or harming anyone else .thoughts of self harm .thoughts of harming others .

14 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 17 May 2021 by user Alexa Nye

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  • 17 May 2021 Alexa Nye suggested this task

  • 30 May 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    I really like this idea! I think it should be something you can toggle off and on, though - like “Safety Plan Mode” or something like that.

    17 June 2021
  • avatar

    this is a fantastic idea. i also have to provide this type of information at my appointments, along with mood and medication tracking, symptoms, and a questionnaire. it would be immensely helpful if this is something i could check off in the app and then be available to print it out or convert to pdf format and email. great idea!

    21 June 2021
  • avatar

    I agree. A Safety Plan that is customized by and with our loved one(s) Doctors, and or therapist. It should have information on warning signs, coping mechanisms or strategies, reasons to live , settings and people that can distract harmful thoughts, people who can be asked for help and an edit function to Creating a safe environment.

    16 January 2022