

Custom homepage sections

It seems many people want different sections and not all will be popular for everyone. I propose the ability to add a custom sections with different types of answers. For example, I want to track how the time I eat my last meal effects my mood the next day. This is different to simply having a yes or no answer because it’s a time.

5 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 07 June 2021 by user John Shanahan

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  • 07 June 2021 John Shanahan suggested this task

  • 17 June 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    Yes, custom homepage sections! I want to track my energy, focus, motivation, and creativity as they fluctuate throughout the day so I can make a better schedule for myself based on what times of the day and what weeks of the month I am most productive. Energy is already there with a timestamp, but I really want to add my own with timestamps. The Self Improvement section has a rating for productivity, but that’s just overall for the day. I like how the Mood and Energy sections allow you to add more each day and will timestamp the entry.

    16 December 2021