

Ability to add Symptom tags describing type of pain

I would love to be able to add tags to describe my pain, eg. throbbing, stabbing, pins and needles, aching, etc. If possible would be great to have these for each symptom, but even just having it available as a separate section could be invaluable, as it would allow us to be able to see patterns in types of pain, and make it easier to explain our pain to medical professionals (I have different types of pain so it’s easy to forget one, or not remember which type is most prevalent, as it’s a lot harder to describe once that type of pain has lessened or gone).

8 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 16 June 2021 by user Tamara Epps

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  • 16 June 2021 Tamara Epps suggested this task

  • 17 June 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • 17 June 2021 James @Bearable edited this task

  • avatar

    I completely agree, being about to tag whether the pain is achey or stabbing etc would be very helpful

    02 April 2022
  • avatar

    I have migraines and currently I have 4 different kinds of headache listed to try to do this. Tags would be so much better. I also get brain fog which does a variety of things that, like headaches, I have listed separately to track but it would be much better to track with tags.

    10 April 2022
  • avatar

    We had a similar suggestion submitted by a member of the community:

    “More specific pain points.

    Where the pain is like joint pain in knee or muscle pain in arm.”

    29 March 2024
  • avatar

    Another user has made a similar suggestion:

    “I want to be able to specify where in my body a symptom is happening

    Currently, to track where in my body the symptom is happening, I have to create a million unique symptoms. I would like it if when I rate a symptom, I could also specify where it’s happening, just with a text box or customizable drop-down or something. I think it would clean up the symptoms category and save time for the user.”

    29 May 2024