

Make time asleep and time in bed clearly defined.

I recently discovered the reason I wasn’t getting data on time asleep was because I was inputting it as time asleep. I didn’t realise these were 2 separate things most likely as they appear as an option to move a slider for hours, and an option to input times. There is the option to input times manually for sleep, but it’s in tiny font so I didn’t even see it (nor did I realise what ‘input manually’ meant, or what it referred to).

I believe it would be really helpful to have subheadings - time asleep and time in bed, with underneath each is a slider and a time slot so it is very clear these are 2 separate things, and you clearly have the option to input the data the way most accessible for you.

It would also be great to be able to add multiple times for sleep/bed by having a plus sign which simply adds another data entry option.

7 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 16 June 2021 by user Tamara Epps