

Notifications to log specific things + tapping notification brings you to that section

Some things, I only log at the end of the day. I’d really like to have customizable notifications to remind me it’s time to log certain things, or receive end-of-day reminders that “you haven’t logged (feature).”

9 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 25 June 2021 by user BearingWithIt

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  • 25 June 2021 BearingWithIt suggested this task

  • 26 June 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    this would be really handy. i always forget to log my energy.

    27 June 2021
  • 15 October 2021 Eoghan edited this task

  • avatar

    When you get a notification for a med, when you click the notification to open the app, it should take you to the med section. It would be nice if other reminders could be set up that way as well but I understand that they could be for anything, but you could allow the user to choose the section when setting up the notification. - Maureen

    15 October 2021
  • avatar

    That would be so good! Otherwise it’s so many steps and sometimes it’s just too much.

    Another suggestion would be to mark the notification as complete from the notification itself. Especially for meds, I swipe away the notification once I’ve taken the meds, but mostly don’t go in and mark it as done

    28 November 2023
  • avatar

    Yes yes yes! If we can have medication reminders that open the app to the medication section and expand the section, why not have the same for mood, energy, etc.? Basically have the notification work like a link to that section.

    14 February 2024