

Overview of symptoms for partner/family

It would be helpful for my partner to have a quick way to see how much pain/fatigue/mood I’m having in a given day. It would be awesome if users could grant access to an overview of current status that partners could check, rather than me trying to update verbally every time my pain changes. Not sure how this could work—a companion app for companions? who are explicitly granted access to certain top-level data by Bearable users? My partner always says that my pain “comes out of nowhere”, which of course, isn’t true, I just don’t verbalize it super often. Maybe the app could even alert the companion to any sudden changes?

6 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 26 June 2021 by user Amanda Cook

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  • 26 June 2021 Amanda Cook suggested this task

  • 15 July 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    This would be absolutely stunning. If as another example my husband got a notification when my depression was rated “severe” or higher, what a valuable thing. I’m not always in a state to reach out myself.

    20 July 2021
  • avatar

    I completely love this, yes! Having trusted people (or person) be able to be added to my profile as a viewer somehow (either downloading the app or another method), oh my god… game changing. I saw another suggestion about having printable paperwork for symptoms like charts, etc. for my care team and/or singular doctors to view. My ER visits would benefit greatly from that ability!! Sharing the symptoms and data is the only thing lacking in Bearable for me personally. And giving that detailed symptom data to my partner would be so incredible, I’m right there with you! I love this app really, I’d buy premium for years for access to more contact-adding/symptom sharing features 1,000%. Love it!

    30 June 2024