

Show daily maximum and minimum mood

Bearable currently tracks mood averaged over the day. I would like to have a view option that allows me to visualize this in terms of the daily max and min range. A view like the mood chart in Daylio would be very useful.

This is because I am bipolar and it is very important for me to know how stable my mood is. If my mood for the day was 2 in the morning and 8 at night, then the information that my mood for the day “averaged 5” doesn’t help me. It is very important for me to know if the mood was “calm” at 5 in the morning, noon and night, or if it was 5 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 8 at night and I need to be careful because the mood is “fluctuating wildly”.

Great product, thanks.

(Translated with DeepL)

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  • 08 July 2021 A I suggested this task

  • 15 July 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    I will second this. I end up having to choose one mood for the day because the average isn’t very useful. It’s not uncommon for someone w/ bipolar, especially rapid cycling, to have a sudden and dramatic change, but there is currently no way to indicate that. Mixed states are equally difficult to track, and this feature could at least be a visible indicator of either a mixed state or a dramatic change.

    18 August 2021
  • avatar

    Same here. I really struggle sometimes since especially when there’s something that makes me feel good I tend to track less often, eg on a long car drive or outdoor activities, Or any other good things that distract you etc. Since bearable builds the average from the amount of entries and not the time periods they “last”, I always tend to have a worse average day than it actually was.

    02 September 2021
  • avatar

    If I could know how stable my mood is, it would be so great and I would be happy!

    02 September 2021