

Add + edit multiple meds entries at once (med routines?)

I mostly take the same pills every day but not necessarily at the same time, so while the ‘copy last entry’ feature is useful, I still have to change the time of every dose for each individual pill so it would be great if I could do it for them all at once

28 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 05 September 2021 by user Emma

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  • 05 September 2021 Emma suggested this task

  • 01 October 2021 Eoghan approved this task

  • 01 October 2021 Eoghan approved this task

  • 14 January 2022 Eoghan edited this task

  • avatar

    It would be good to have a way to record all of my normal daily medications at once, in the same way that the ‘factors’ section has routines. I know there’s the ‘copy last entry’ thing but if I’ve taken other things like painkillers the day before then it’s still a bit of a faff and it then won’t record the time I actually took the medications unless I go back and change the time on each one. -Charlotte

    14 January 2022
  • avatar

    Same boat here. It’s tedious to either a) copy last entry and change the times manually or b) enter each medication individually, especially when you have a lot of meds/supplements. A routine would be great for this.

    03 February 2022
  • avatar

    I’d just be happy with the copy last entry along with the ability to set a different time for all

    05 April 2022
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    Yea. Entering meds is currently so tedious I sometimes don’t bother, which really messes with knowing when I actally missed taking them. Any sort of batch entering, even just the ability to select multiple medications before applying a single time of day for all selected… Thanks in advance for this one.

    30 June 2022
  • avatar

    I’d love to be able to set a default time intake my medication- which I can edit if needed.

    I’m often inputting most data at night - which means I need to backdate some.

    This is important if I’m trying to work out timing of medication as a factor in symptoms.

    01 July 2022
  • avatar

    This would be fantastic. I take one group of pills early in the morning, another group later in the day, then another group before bed. It would be great to be able to have those three separate groups as options so I could just hit one button instead of fifteen button presses.

    27 August 2022
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    I would love to be able to track groups of medications all at once. I personally have 3 groups I could think of off the top of my head.

    18 February 2023
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    Making the case

    1. People with chronic illnesses (Bearable’s target audience) usually take many medications (5-10+).
    2. These medications are often taken in bundles and on schedules (2x/day, 1x/wk, etc)
    3. Medications are also often taken ad-hoc, based on symptoms.
    4. The time medications are taken matters a lot to determine cause/effect (a big Bearable value proposition).
    5. Bearable’s current ‘copy last entry’ feature does adequately work for most ad-hoc nor scheduled medications, if the time medications are taken matters.

    Current UX

    The result is users must tap medications one-by-one, which is tedious and undermines Bearable’s core value proposition. Personally, I take about 20 meds/supplements daily, twice a day, as well as a number of ad-hoc meds. As ‘copy last entry’ does not work for me because the time I take meds is never exactly the same, I wind up tapping about 40 times if I enter into Bearable when I take them.

    However, if I don’t enter meds at the time I take them, I must go back one-by-one to edit times, which adds a huge amount of effort. For me, this adds another 40-80 taps/scrolls as the time picker is slow. Additionally, there is an interaction delay of approx 500ms when selecting and confirming that often means I must tap twice (this is a separate bug/perf issue).

    Product Recommendation

    1. Let us create groups of medications and name them (e.g. ‘morning probiotics’, ‘evening statins’, ‘histamine meds’, etc)
    2. Let us tap groups to mark all medications therein as taken at the time. Let that time be editable as all other times are.
    3. Rejoice that you have saved people a huge amount of time & effort, and have build an app whose UI now better reflects the ground truth of how people think about their medications.
    4. Rejoice that you now have a data structure that can be used in a variety of other ways, including analytics (are my histamine meds working?) and data entry (hey siri record that I took my histamine meds).

    Design- and PM-wise this is an easy and very useful feature to build!

    28 August 2023
  • avatar

    Agree with Nick’s suggestion above! This would save lots of time and frustration.

    28 August 2023
  • avatar

    Agree with Mike, Nick, and others above for groups of medications with names, with editable times, for saving time and effort for the chronically ill who often take more than 20 things a day, and even better tracking / analysis. There will be much rejoicing.

    31 August 2023
  • 05 September 2023
  • 05 September 2023
  • avatar

    The above suggestions would be awesome. Difficulty inputing my slew of batched meds is why I stepped away from bearable for a long time.

    07 February 2024
  • avatar

    +1, great outline of the value prop for this feature!!

    03 June 2024