

Friends and communities

Something I think would be really helpful for me would be some kind of social factor. Having accountability partners and people who share experiences is immensely helpful for managing symptoms.

Implementation of a friends list: Some kind of friends list which allows you to share specific information. For example, I think it would be helpful to be able to shade my mood or energy level with certain friends, but I don’t think I need to share my bowel movements. Perhaps a feature like a tap or reminder from specific friends as an accountability feature. I know I often forget to log things and so do some of my friends, if we had a quick way of going, “hey, don’t forget!” I think that would be awesome. Additionally, the option to share a ‘last active’ status with specific friends for the purpose of accountability, but also safety.

In regards to communities: I think the ability to make a small group (2-5 people) who share larger amounts of information, have similar/same issues, and share a common goal would be great. Just a small group of close friends who can see most of my information and whose information I can see to help each other get through the day. Often the ability to share whether I’m flaring or not with my other zebra pals could be amazingly helpful. Some days are just hard, but friends help a lot.

I realize much of this may not be possible for a number of reasons and that it is very centered around chronic illness/disability, but I believe some for of accountability and cooperation with specific friends and family would help everyone.

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 12 November 2021 by user Sean Friedhoff