

Custom graph settings

Have the ability to view a custom date range when examining meds/supplements or health measurements in the graph view.

Have the ability to change the min max and tick interval on the graph

Potentially add a trend line over set period feature?

5 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 06 January 2022 by user Michal Bartnikowski

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  • 06 January 2022 Michal Bartnikowski suggested this task

  • 06 January 2022 Eoghan approved this task

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    Just adding a related suggestion posted by another member of the community:

    Ability to shift Factors to make finding correlations easier. “If I’m correct when factors and symptoms are correlated on the graph we see a day by day comparison. I’d love the possibility to shift the dates for these correlations. For example; I might want to compare my headache to a certain medication- but I suspect that the headache is coming on two days after taking the medication. So on the graph I’d see the date I took the medication (the 1st of the month) and correlated to the dates of my headache (the 3rd of the month). I don’t think that this feature is available but it would be great to have!”

    17 January