

Sort factors in insight report by “most” influential

(Check link for photos of proposed idea)

I’d like to suggest a feature, where in the insights reports you can filter by “most” in addition to best and worst. I’ve attached some pictures of what it could look like (green indicating what would be shown and red what would be hidden when factors are sorted by “most”. I apologize if this has been suggested before or in the works. I tried searching but couldn’t find a similar post.

The problem: when viewing which factors that associate with mood, energy, etc., and you can only sort by best or worst, and you are only shown a set (5, I think) number of factors.

What if instead, you want to see what’s “most” influential? You have to click “see more”, or switch from best to worst or vice versa.

Proposed idea: include an additional option to sort by called “most” which will show you the top # most influential factors for a given category (see pic 1), while hiding the least influential until you click “see all”.

I think this idea would be relatively simple to implement. You’d filter the # factors that have the greatest absolute value of association with a category then order them by actual value (ie, positive to negative) when displaying to the user. Alternatively, you could order the factors by absolute value, but this may not be as aesthetically pleasing.

Some potential issues: there may be cases where a category has no positive or negative association with any factors. In this case just show all the factors from greatest to least influential.

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  • 07 March 2022 A D suggested this task

  • 08 March 2022 Eoghan approved this task