

Ability to input diseases you have, and attach symptoms to it (with tracking/correlation)

So i have couple diseases/health problems (lyme disease, mold, fungal infections, parasites, heavy metals, Lyme coinfections like bartonella, babesia, and so on…). What i need is to be able to input those diseases, then attach symptoms they cause to those diseases, and in Insights panel i would like to see potential correlations like for example if i am taking “LDN” system detected that it lowers 5/7 Lyme disease symptoms then it shows that correlation in bar chart that it potentially helps me with this disease.

9 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 01 May 2022 by user Martin Certyk

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  • 01 May 2022 Martin Certyk suggested this task

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    Disease+symptoms+correlation == community data driven suggestions (Extending the idea):

    So if we are able to input disease, attach symptoms to it, then app can use the data of all users and for example show “For people with Bartonella, that had Sleep problems, following Factors/Medications/… helped the most: ” and “For people with Bartonella, that had Sleep problems, following Correlations were found: “. Which takes the app to whole new level - community driven correlations, insights - game changer. Letting data of other people be suggestions for your own tests.

    01 May 2022
  • avatar

    Thanks for your suggestion Martin!

    11 May 2022
  • 11 May 2022 Eoghan approved this task

  • 11 May 2022 Eoghan approved this task

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    This would be soooooo helpful

    06 September