

Simplify Symptoms

I have several medical diseases with very different symptoms. Scrolling through every one several times per day makes me ignore tracking them. I know the suggestion that you only check a few is there but I need to track them all.

My suggestion is to have the symptom section start with only a list you can choose for the day, just like the food section. Once a symptom is added for the day THEN the individual symptom box shows below as you have them now. This will reduce scrolling, several times per day, past symptoms we aren’t having that day.

5 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 07 May 2022 by user CMax

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  • 07 May 2022 CMax suggested this task

  • avatar

    Thanks for your suggestion CMax!

    10 May 2022
  • 10 May 2022 Eoghan approved this task

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    Another idea for simplification: Instead of having one Symptom Score box with everything possible, have different boxes for each class of symptoms. So for instance, a box for Mental Health Symptoms, another one for Physical Pain Symptoms, etc. That way as I’m scrolling through the app I can only click into the specific symptom type that I want to update. I know there are subheadings within the Symptom Score box that you can close and expand but for me the subheading text is much harder to read/notice so I don’t take advantage of that feature but would if they were separate boxes.

    10 July 2024