

Export summary to a pdf

It would be really helpful if you could export a summary (just like you can check the summary from the top right of the home screen) into a pdf that I could print and bring to my therapist. It would be clearer and more user friendly than the Excel file. Maybe it could have some other details, like symptom score or the strongest correlations. Things that would be useful and important for a person treating me to understand easily.

5 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 03 June 2022 by user Katri

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  • 03 June 2022 Katri suggested this task

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    Hi Katri! Thank you for this suggestion. This is a popular request and we can see how useful it would be for people. You’ll be please to hear that we will be adding this feature at some point in the future.

    Other than symptom score and strongest correlations what else should we include in this?

    28 June 2022
  • avatar

    I’d say the moods, significant events or notes and maybe some specific symptoms. My therapist doesn’t want to know if I had chronic pain, but I may want to keep and eye on its effects on my end. It would be most useful in my opinion if it was a list of the chosen info day by day, so my therapist could per example see that my mood crashed on Tuesday and ask what happened, or that I was exceptionally well on Friday and want to find out why with just a glance.

    21 July 2022
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    I made my own version using screenshots, if it helps I can email it to you to show what I would like to see in the export function. Though I’d need an address for that.

    28 July 2022
  • avatar

    Hi Katri! Thanks for following up, that would be a great help thank you :)

    Can you please email the screenshots to support

    04 August 2022
  • 03 November 2022 Eoghan approved this task

  • avatar

    I just wanted to say that I would also love to be able to export my data in pdf or other type of files. Indeed, I would like to print it and why not making a personal book or printing out of it as it help me to see the insights printed in a nice way.(or to show to a therapist or doctor as said before) We could also print them in bigger scale than on the phone. I would suggest that we could select ourself what would appear on the export. Maybe would also be useful if we could export it in a way we could include to Word or Google Doc for the notes for exemple. By the way, I love the app, thank you!

    20 August 2023
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    I absolutely agree with this. It would be great to be able to send my doctor a summary prior to my visit and for my physical therapist to see the symptom data. Having a csv file that I have to manipulate is not user friendly

    06 March 2024