

Allow multiple entries for custom ratings and symptoms

🚀Feature Request

Description: Allow multiple time-specific entries for custom ratings and symptoms per day. Labels: multiple symptoms “custom ratings” time granular entries

      • Issue - - - Some users require time-granular recordings of symptoms and custom ratings. For example, with conditions like ADHD or pain, typically medications stop being effective within the same day of taking the medication. Often, doctors/physicians will ask questions around how long medications are effective for, and also may try to see if tolerance is being built. This is problematic, as options like pre/am/mid/pm are not specific enough to judge medication options.
      • Describe the solution you’d like - - -

Provide users the option to add entries for custom ratings and symptoms multiple times a day. This would be a similar implementation as Mood, Meds/Supplements, Energy levels and Bowel Movements. This entry-style should be optional, to allow flexibility for those who are only looking to record a couple times a day.

      • Describe alternatives you’ve considered - - -
  • I have tried adding the things I would generally record as a custom metric as a symptom to allow for multiple recordings of specific symptoms per day. The issue here is that pre/am/mid/pm isn’t specific enough to judge how many hours a medication is effective for.

  • Adding notes to the custom ratings works for recording, but doesn’t display any type of trend analysis which could answer the question “how long is the medication effective for”.

      • Additional Context - - -

“This is problematic, as options like pre/am/mid/pm are not specific enough to judge medication options.” With ADHD medications, often there’s a combination of long-acting and short-acting medication. The long acting medications may last 8-14 hours, and if it’s on the lower end of duration, then a short-acting medication may be required when it’s less effective. Short acting medications are only generally effective for 3-4 hours. If I marked PM symptoms, and the short-acting medication impacts sleep, then there’s a large difference between taking the medication at 6pm vs 8pm in regards to being able to sleep.

2 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 07 June 2022 by user Bradley Duncan

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  • 07 June 2022 Bradley Duncan suggested this task

  • avatar

    Thanks Bradley for this thoughtful request. We appreciate that the current time slot do not allow for time sensitive tracking as you described above. You will be happy to hear we are already working on a solution for this. Please keep an eye on our subreddit and discord for the chance to give feedback on designs.

    28 June 2022
  • 28 June 2022 Eoghan approved this task