

Customizable Descriptors (ability to change wording from "Awful, Poor, OK, Good, Great" to whatever makes more sense

sometimes it’s hard for me to quantify my energy levels with the given descriptors - I feel like my consistency varies (a 3 one day might be a 4 for another day).

so I’d love customizable descriptors. would also be great for the custom ratings section.

Love the app, thank you for making this world better and easier!!

9 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 16 June 2022 by user Kambrie Ross

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  • 16 June 2022 Kambrie Ross suggested this task

  • avatar

    Hi Kambrie! Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion.

    Do you mean the ability to just customise the descriptors and not the scale (1-5) or both?

    22 June 2022
  • 22 June 2022 Eoghan approved this task

  • avatar

    Correct, the ability to customize the descriptors, not the scale.

    However, both might not be a bad idea either.

    01 July 2022
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    From another user:

    Custom metrics effects, correlations, like symptoms.

    TLDR: be able to see insights / analysis on custom metrics as is done for symptoms.

    I have a visual disability that can lead to headaches and migraines, and I use the Bearable app to track migraines and pain medication.

    Recently I realized that tracking just “how well my eyes are doing” is another useful thing to track, since it can predict a migraine later. I find the custom metric section to be better at tracking this, because “awful, poor, ok, good, great” are much closer to how I think about my eyes than “none, mild, moderate, severe, unbearable”. I don’t think “my visual disability was mild today”, I think “my eyes were pretty good today”.

    The sections that show the impact of factors on symptoms are invaluable, but they don’t include the impact of factors on custom metrics, except for insight favorites. I would like custom metrics to be added to all the data selection screens where it’s like “what effects do you want to see - mood, sleep, symptoms, energy” etc. I don’t think this would be too hard to implement since custom metrics are also on a 1-5 scale - just the ability to analyze them like a symptom would be great. Thank you!

    29 May 2024