

Customize water intake amounts (not only 8oz)

In the app, it is only possible to add water intake in 8oz water glasses, but I very rarely drink in 8oz amounts (I always drink from a 20oz water bottle). It would be cool if I can change the water intake amounts to 20oz (or any other custom amount) so that I can more accurately track my water intake whenever I finish all the water in my water bottle.

5 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 19 June 2022 by user Anon

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  • 19 June 2022 Anon suggested this task

  • avatar

    Hi! Thank you for your suggestion. This would make tracking daily water intake much more intuitive and easier.

    21 June 2022
  • 10 November 2022 Eoghan approved this task

  • avatar

    Yes I agree. My glasses and mugs are not 8 oz containers, so I find I’m estimating my water consumption, probably inaccurately. Thank you.

    30 September 2023
  • avatar

    I would love the option to just add a custom amount of oz/ml/L etc. For example if I drink an electrolyte drink from a bottle with a specific amount listed (a frequent for me) I’d love to just type in 33.8 fl oz or press a button for 1L or something.

    05 July 2024
  • avatar

    I posted this on Reddit and came here to suggest the same thing! My water bottle is 20 oz so at the end of each day, I have to calculate how many bottles I drank and multiply it by 4 to try to get as close to the amount I drank. Would be so much easier if I could customize it to say 20 oz!

    11 December 2024