

Hourly recurring reminders

I know that we have the option to set reminders at a certain time (eg, 9 am, 12pm, 7pm, etc…) but I was wondering if it would be possible to have reminders every X hours? For example, I want to track my mood every 4 hours or so, but since I wake up and go to bed at different times of day, it’s hard to create set time reminders (and they sometimes become very annoying - I wake up at 11 am and see a bunch of reminders that I set for earlier this morning and later last night). I think it would also be very beneficial for people who need to take medication every X amount of hours, rather than at a certain time of day… (I guess a suggestion within a suggestion, maybe we should have separate reminders for each widget? Not only medication…)

3 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 23 June 2022 by user Anon

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  • 23 June 2022 Anon suggested this task

  • avatar

    Thanks for this suggestion Anon. Would the recurring reminders run constantly or just for a set period? We don’t want to end up spamming people or letting them build up over the night.

    28 June 2022
  • 28 June 2022 Eoghan approved this task

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    I think both options would be useful. For mood tracking, I would personally prefer notifications for a set time period, since I can only track them when I am awake… But for things like medications, even the 24h option may be useful

    29 June 2022
  • avatar

    Adding to this suggestion, I think maybe a good feature is to have a “start” button every day for the hourly recurring reminders, so that we can avoid the issue with the current reminders… When I wake up and log my sleep/breakfast, I can hit “start” to begin the hourly recurring reminders and avoid spam from earlier in the morning or later last night when I was asleep.

    30 June 2022
  • avatar

    Seconding this! And I agree it would need to have the option to run only during specific hours or have a start/stop option.

    I’ve been looking for something like this to help with ADHD focus issues. I want a popup that just checks in periodically to remind me to stay on task. Could also be useful for compulsive bad habits like skin picking or nail biting maybe?

    17 April