

Mark certain medication as "regular" meds

So I have a lot of meds that I need to take once a day and a lot of meds that I can take as needed. It gets really frustrating to mark off every single medication I take regularly at night and I wish I could just click “all regular meds taken” or smth like that. I know we have the “copy last entry” feature but for me this doesn’t rlly work since some days I do have to take other meds throughout the day (as needed), but other days I don’t. Plus, it also copies the times that I took the meds at, but that often varies , even though I take them daily, and I would like to have an exact timestamp. I hope this suggestion isn’t too confusing haha it’s hard to put it into words

6 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 09 July 2022 by user Anon

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  • 09 July 2022 Anon suggested this task

  • avatar

    Hey! Thanks for this suggestion! Do you mean some sort of med group or stack? (like factor routines) that you could just select a group (+ time) with one click.

    14 July 2022
  • avatar

    Yes! I don’t have pro so I don’t know how factor routines work but it would be great to group medications :)

    14 July 2022
  • avatar

    To add to this suggestion, it would be great if the “regular” medications had a specified time they had to be taken at. It would be great if the app noticed if I missed my regular medications/took them later than usual (right now I just use factors for this). I know that we have notifications for meds but I feel like it doesn’t really show in insights

    17 July 2022
  • 07 October 2022 Eoghan approved this task

  • 05 September 2023
  • avatar

    We had a similar suggestion submitted by another member of the community:

    “Bulk add medication (multiple days).

    Be able to add medication entries for multiple days in one go. For example, I take the same medication at exactly the same time every morning, but I don’t always remember to log it in the app. It would be good to be able to select a whole week to put in missed days, or a course of antibiotics, etc.”

    29 March 2024