

More Eating disorder friendly

Somehow log drinks other than water separately & how much you drank. See what factors can serve as triggers and try to see patterns for my Dr.

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 03 August 2022 by user Cassidy

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  • 03 August 2022 Cassidy suggested this task

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    Hi Cassidy. Thank you for your suggestions. We have a lot of room to improve in the Nutrition section, and we plan to get to it soon.

    How many different drinks would you like to be able to track?

    It is possible to see what factors correlate with symptoms at the moment. Is there a particular way you would like us to visualise this?

    04 August 2022
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    Right now I am logging my drinks (whether they be nutritional aids or not) under meals/snacks. It would be nice to have a separate drink section so that it doesn’t think (for example) that Powerade was a meal. So far nothing is impacting my “low appetite” because it counts as good. It would be nice to see in either the insights with a % of what factors effected it. A graph might also serve well.

    04 August 2022
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    It counts as food**

    04 August 2022
  • 03 November 2022 Eoghan approved this task