

Compare dosages

Since bearable keeps track of dosage history, it would be great to see the effect of dosage changes on symptom scores (overall) and the effect on specific symptoms.

6 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 10 August 2022 by user Anon

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  • 10 August 2022 Anon suggested this task

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    Hi! Thank you for this suggestion. I think this would be very useful for not only discovering the dose that works best but also helping with identifying side effects.

    12 August 2022
  • 03 November 2022 Eoghan approved this task

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    I would also like to be able to do an experiment with this type of thing in mind. For medications that are short acting I would like to see how dosage affects my day to day for the relevant symptoms.

    10 October 2023
  • 22 November