I would LOVE to be able to choose what color each mood “number” uses. There was an app I used ones that unfortunately no longer exists that let you choose a color label for every custom mood you created and then the color on the calendar for that day would be a blend of the colors of the moods you’ve inputted throughout the day.
For example… i track on a more bipolar type scale so I want blue to be depression, yellow to be good and red to be heightened/manic and that way, any moods that fall in the middle of those extremes would be shaded green or orange and any moods that could be considered “mixed” (both relating to depression and/or hypomania) would be purple.
At the end of most days the color on the calendar would usually be a brownish color but on days that were strongly affected by a certain mood (good or bad) would be shaded more to match that color.