

Advanced insights reports for everything (Custom ratings, BMs, Symptom groups, etc.)

Here are some of the things that I’ve desperately wanted to correlate with other factors and symptoms, but because of their classification in the app, they don’t show up in insights or graphs (or both):

  • custom ratings — not available as an outcome variable in correlations
  • sleep factors (e.g., presence of nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night) — available in correlations, but not graphs
  • BM factors (e.g., amount of strain, urgency) — available in neither correlations nor graphs

I recognize that factors are currently binary (it would be great for a lot of reasons if factors could have “degrees”/”intensity,” but that’s a suggestion that’s already been made), but there must be some way to include them in graphs. Maybe a full bar of color from top to bottom on the graph for each day when the factor was present?

And here are some that would need only the tiniest bit of basic math or other transformation to add to the data, but would be extremely useful metrics to correlate or show on graphs:

  • symptom groups (i.e., treating presence or absence of any symptom from a specific group on a given day as a factor unto itself — would also be great for medication groups, if we had them)
  • sleep latency (difference between bedtime and asleep time)
  • time of day that a daily medication was taken (e.g., morning vs. evening)
  • difference between time a daily medication was taken from day to day (some meds are very sensitive to being taken the same time every day)

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 13 December 2022 by user Anna Sedlacek