Make an event of upping or lowering does, and tell me if it's been better since I've upped the dose--not just if I'm better with the medication at all
The experiment feature is helpful but it’s useless if you can only have one at a time and that seems to be the case. When I chnage the dose that’s a big deal but I can’t even tell when I did it and I’m seriously concerned I can’t easily tell if I’m better when my dose is increased or decreased and since that is really the main purpose of this app for most people this is egregious and silly. There’s no other way to advocate for yourself if you can’t get the data. I can kind of compare my mood and symptoms with the rough tools of 30 days and 90 days but that’s pathetic for an app that is trying to be on the leading edge of this huge market. We deserve algorithms that won’t Mislead us into making poor health decisions.