

Auto-export data at regular interval

Problem - I export my data on a regular interval to do further analysis manually; e.g. combining with data from other apps (e.g. AutoSleep)

Solution - Having the app auto-export the CSV at a regular interval would make this process a lot simpler

4 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 12 January 2023 by user Charlie

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  • 12 January 2023 Charlie suggested this task

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    Hi Charlie, thank you for this suggestion. I can see how this would be very useful.

    What extra analysis are you doing?

    09 February 2023
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    I use Bearable to input/track data points, and then correlate that data against data exported from AutoSleep (iOS).

    09 February 2023
  • 15 April 2023 Eoghan approved this task

  • avatar

    I would also find it very useful. I’m exporting the data to analyze it outside Bearable (joining it with for example lab tests data). I find insights section in Bearable too limited, mostly due to mobile device limitations: too small screen, difficulty changing data, limited number of data series on the screen.

    20 January
  • avatar

    I would also like this. Since API connections are not possible (even though they are in pro??) this would be the only way to auto import data into another program

    22 February