

Correlations by adjusting for other factors

Hi Bearable Community,

I have been using Bearable for a month now and love it.

However, I’m a bit confused why I can only see single factor - outcome correlations, without the app adjusting for other factors, like in controlled experiments.

After a year or two there would be enough days where all factors are the same but only a single factor has changed. This would also solve the problem written in the bearable blog, “For example, ‘acts of kindness’ might correlate with lower ‘sleep quality’, which doesn’t make a lot of sense until you take into account the fact that ‘acts of kindness’ are often tracked on days when ‘junk food’,[…]” (

This would be a massive improvement of the app and be a big value add by handling the complexity of everyday life to uncover real, hidden correlations. Otherwise all correlations could be dismissed as spurious and the only knowledge we can takeaway from it are knowledge we already had (confirming our own beliefs).

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  • 14 February 2023 Seyrey suggested this task

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    I’m voting for this as soon as it gets approved.

    14 February 2023
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    Hi Seyrey! Thank you so much for taking the time to submit your request to our roadmap. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions. We do review all the submissions we receive, but as a small team, we have to prioritize what goes into our immediate roadmap to match our current capacity.

    Rest assured that we will carefully consider your request, and we’ll keep it in mind as we continue to develop and improve our product. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any other suggestions or feedback.

    Thank you again for supporting Bearable.

    06 April 2023
  • 06 April 2023 Eoghan approved this task

  • 06 April 2023 Eoghan approved this task

  • avatar

    I would love that, missing this feature a lot!

    10 April 2023