

Redesign of Bowel Movements section

Some of the color-coding of the “Bowel Movements” section of the app may be unnecessarily distressing to people with digestive issues, like me. I understand that there’s a range on the Bristol chart that’s considered ideal, but any number on that scale may reflect an improvement for an individual person, and doesn’t indicate their comfort level at all. You may have a really difficult movement that’s a green #4, but be totally comfortable at an orange #2. A grayscale option would make this seem more like neutral information and not an evaluation of the user’s BMs. There’s a similar suggestion for making a grayscale option for symptoms for the same reason.

TL;DR: seeing a big red/orange number on a day where my GI tract felt good is discouraging and the red-toilet-paper icon in particular is upsetting for obvious reasons. Please take a look at that icon and imagine red TP from the perspective of somebody with a high cancer risk or a survivor, somebody with chronic GI illness, etc.

3 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 15 March 2023 by user A. V.

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  • 15 March 2023 A. V. suggested this task

  • avatar

    Hi A.V.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We greatly appreciate it. I wanted to let you know that I’ve taken note of this feedback and will be sharing it with the rest of the team for internal review.

    We value your input and do not want to upset anyone using the app. Thank you again for your feedback and please feel free to reach out if you have any further suggestions or concerns.

    12 April 2023
  • 15 April 2023 Eoghan approved this task

  • avatar

    Thanks for suggesting this - I’d also appreciate this change. It feels a bit insensitive when I’m doubled over with cramps for the sixth time in an hour and the app is just like, “Type 4! Way to go!” Lol. I really like the concept of color-coded days (or grayscale-coded days) to see a rough summary at a glance, but as currently designed, this feature is not useful for me. I’d prefer to evaluate my own bowel movements rather than the app using one metric that doesn’t generally correlate to my comfort.

    20 September 2024