

Correlations between symptoms

Sometimes I want to look at how different symptoms correlate. For example, does an increase in my ligheadedness correlate to having a migraine, or more specifically in 2 days having a migraine.

If there is a way to do this already let me know. This app is great!

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 18 June 2023 by user Natalie Melville

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  • 18 June 2023 Natalie Melville suggested this task

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    Hi Natalie! Thank you so much for taking the time to submit your request to our roadmap. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions. We do review all the submissions we receive, but as a small team, we have to prioritize what goes into our immediate roadmap to match our current capacity.

    Rest assured that we will carefully consider your request, and we’ll keep it in mind as we continue to develop and improve our product. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any other suggestions or feedback.

    Thank you again for supporting Bearable.

    30 July 2023
  • 17 January Jesse Driessen approved this task

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    Just sharing a similar suggestion from another member of the community:

    Correlate sleep quality and symptoms. “It seems the sleep quality scale is currently not used as an explanatory variable for symptoms, but could be very insightful.”

    17 January