

Lotion/Cream Medication Tracking

It would be great to have a line drawing of a person so we could draw in where we needed to put certain creams/lotions. For example, I have eczema and sometimes I have to put the cream on different spots on my arms, and just saying ‘yes, I put it on’ doesn’t really tell me much, especially when I should only be using it on the same spot for 2 weeks, but the spots change often. I can put it on the backs of my knees and then start on my arms and if I run 2 weeks with putting it on the backs of my knees I don’t know how long I’ve put it on the backs of my arms. It would be nice if this could be a draw-on thing, instead of just ‘arms’ or ‘legs’, because sometimes I have spots on different places on my arms.

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 28 October 2023 by user Fiona Kelley