I was imagining a magnifying glass 🔍 icon at the bottom of the screen (maybe as a fourth menu between Home and Insights) with not only a deep search feature (that’d be nice of course), but mainly as a Fast Input method.
Use case: I want to register a bowel movement. Instead of scrolling down and clicking to expand the menu and inserting the data, I could enter the Live Search and start writing “bow”. The first result would be Bowel Movements but not only that: the idea behind “live” is that while I type “bow” not only the menu appears but also its context focusing on the user’s needs - the input. The user wants to have the most easy and convenient way to input data, so if one type a minimal amount of letters and rapidly finds the context to register data, that’d be spectacular.
I write “bow” and the contextual Bowel Movements menu shows up with all the options to input data - in this case the Very Hard/Very Soft bar would be there and the user would be able to do a fast right or left swipe to input data.