

Goal frequency - X times per week

When setting a new goal, in the frequency screen it offers Every day, Every X days, or Specific days, however it would be helpful to have an option for X days per week. For example, I want to meditate 3 times per week but not on specific days or every other day, I would like it to be more flexible. Thank you for considering!

2 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 07 January by user Amanda Grodman

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  • 07 January Amanda Grodman suggested this task

  • 08 March Jesse Driessen approved this task

  • avatar

    We had a similar suggestion from another member of the community:

    “More fexible settings in Goal.

    I want set goals like x times per week - not just certain days. Ex 2 times per week, so I don’t have to pick 2 days specific days”

    29 March
  • avatar

    We had a similar suggestion submitted by another member of the community:

    “Goals eg 5 times a week.

    Add option to have a goal to do something eg 5 times a week or several times a day, with a result reporting in the weekly report. Or even better: make a custom frequency option.”

    29 March
  • avatar

    Adding my voice to this discussion! I recently switched over to Bearable from Daylio. Bearable is better in every way - except for this! Would love to see goal options for X times per week as well as X times per month. In current state, I don’t find the goals feature useful as none of the goals I personally have correlate to specific days of the week.

    26 April