

Urine tracking

Tracking how many times you’ve peed in the day as well as any discerning factors to check hydration, urinary/bladder health, etc.

4 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 13 May by user Kelly Barter

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  • 13 May Kelly Barter suggested this task

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    Another user has also asked for Urine Tracking so I’m adding it here:

    Urinary Output

    Another user has suggested a section to track urinary symptoms - fluid output is another tracking option that would be very helpful to go along side the fluid intake tracker already offered!

    As part of my health tracking, it’s helpful to know how often I urinate and/or how much fluid output I have. For many people this is something they may need to track and have easily available to share with healthcare providers, alongside the urinary symptom tracking already suggested.

    29 May
  • 29 May Reuben MS approved this task

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    i agree - i would really like urinary tracking to be added alongside bowel movement tracking!

    17 September