

AI Chat for Daily Check-ins

An (verbal) AI chat feature for daily check-ins would be a game changer. The AI could ask about my day and follow up if I miss logging specific data points. This would make tracking easier and more engaging, especially for users with ADHD.

2 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 14 May by user nini dagoustino

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  • 14 May nini dagoustino suggested this task

  • 29 May Reuben MS approved this task

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    Another user has requested something similar I will add to this:

    AI voice integration

    I’m sure this is a big ask, but the biggest struggle for me with this app is having the mental energy to manually log everything. The dream would be for me to verbally say how my day was, what medication I took, etc. and have an AI input the relevant information for me. I’m amazed with how well chatgpt can understand me and hopeful that maybe one day this could be possible.

    29 May
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    I have had issues in the past with other similar apps and health recording because of this. I am really trying with this one and I hope I can keep up with it but something like an AI integration like you mentioned I think would really take a lot of the pressure off.

    30 June