

Central queue for unconfirmed entries

My unconfirmed items are scattered throughout my past data. I’d like a central queue to confirm them one by one without having to select each day. The queue could also be summarizing monthly unconfirmed data if that is easier to implement.

2 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 15 April 2019 by user moritz

Moved into Rejected 08 May 2019

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  • 15 April 2019 moritz suggested this task

  • 16 April 2019 Matt Greenfield approved this task

  • avatar

    I’m not convinced this is necessary, given the calendar view’s grey circles in 3.0.

    I think before something like this can be considered, the confirm view would first need to have dates shown. Currently the confirm view doesn’t show enough context to be able to confirm items without having already glanced at the timeline. If you went straight to a confirm view, without viewing the timeline of that day first, then you’d often be in the dark, because not even the date is visible on confirm view.

    Basically confirm view would have to improve, with more context information, before something like this would be possible.

    16 April 2019
  • avatar

    Right now, going to the calendar and then select each grey day is very slow. This of course might change with more optimizations in this part, but from a UI standpoint, a separate list with unconfirmed items (by week or month would be fine) would be extremely helpful.

    17 April 2019
  • 08 May 2019 Matt Greenfield moved this task into Rejected