148 results tagged 'Suggestion' :speech_balloon: “Off-road Vehicle” as an activity type 2 0 :speech_balloon: A long-distance bus option 1 0 :speech_balloon: A slider on each journey, the location dot on flows with the activity line on map 1 0 :speech_balloon: A third (middle) segment when splitting 1 4 :speech_balloon: A way to POST current location to a custom endpoint periodically 12 9 :speech_balloon: Ability to adjust the positions of recorded location data 31 19 :speech_balloon: Ability to change radius of a location 1 1 :speech_balloon: Ability to interact with the map while timeline is visible 9 0 :speech_balloon: Ability to open photo in Photos 12 2 :speech_balloon: ability to store more than one custom mapbox link for easy switch between 1 0 :speech_balloon: Access Data Online 1 1 :speech_balloon: Activity Tab: navigate single activity timeline 2 2 :speech_balloon: adaptable timeline 1 0 :speech_balloon: Add "balloon" activity type 2 0 :speech_balloon: Add "Trottinette" (scooter) activity type 1 3 :speech_balloon: Add (missing) position 19 7 :speech_balloon: Add ATV as an Activity Type 1 0 :speech_balloon: Add GPS data to photos 1 2 :speech_balloon: Add Helicopter type of Transport 2 0 :speech_balloon: Add more stats for common trips 10 2 :speech_balloon: Add pedelo as an activity type 2 0 :speech_balloon: Add photos to places, display on widget 2 1 :speech_balloon: Add setting to include shared library photos 1 0 :speech_balloon: Add Your Mood 3 3 :speech_balloon: added Monorail 2 1 :speech_balloon: Allow for Stationary Point One-Time Visit Naming in Unconfirmed Activity View 3 1 :speech_balloon: Annual Summary of Time in Each State 2 2 :speech_balloon: Apple health per day 1 0 :speech_balloon: Apple Maps 26 18 :speech_balloon: Apple Watch app 23 3 :speech_balloon: Automatic saving of JSON to somewhere that's programmatically accessible 5 2 :speech_balloon: Backup now! 4 4 :speech_balloon: Backup to other clouds 19 9 :speech_balloon: Batch correct multiple entries in the same timeline 14 12 :speech_balloon: Better organization for transport types 2 1 :speech_balloon: Calendar Import 45 3 :speech_balloon: Central queue for unconfirmed entries 2 2 :speech_balloon: Change color of Car timeline items 5 4 :speech_balloon: Change inline skating to skating 1 0 :speech_balloon: Colour coding 1 0 :speech_balloon: Confirm things chronologically 1 2 :speech_balloon: Consider better choice of colour (increased contrast with water colour) for kayaking trail. 2 0 :speech_balloon: Consider historic activity types when choosing activity type 1 3 :speech_balloon: Consider speed when automatically choosing activity 1 2 :speech_balloon: Contact logging in face of COVID-19 pandemic 1 0 :speech_balloon: Continue confirmation process after adding new private place 6 0 :speech_balloon: Correct offsets over China 2 0 :speech_balloon: Create "areas" 1 0 :speech_balloon: Create a team and export visited locations to excel formated file 2 0 :speech_balloon: Csv export of basic stats 1 0 :speech_balloon: Custom date ranges 34 5 :speech_balloon: Custom Date Summaries 2 0 :speech_balloon: Custom period for activity report 8 0 :speech_balloon: Custom period for Timeline 9 2 :speech_balloon: Custom place icons 4 2 :speech_balloon: Custom summary view 1 0 :speech_balloon: Customization option for map line width and opacity 1 0 :speech_balloon: Database "backups" MySQL/influxdb or other 1 0 :speech_balloon: db levels 1 0 :speech_balloon: Desperately needs a Check-in button (Independent from Swarm/Foursquare) 1 6 :speech_balloon: Disable some Activity types 3 7 :speech_balloon: Don't automatically modify events after they're over 1 3 :speech_balloon: Don’t use bezier curves for graphs 4 3 :speech_balloon: Electric vehicle 7 3 :speech_balloon: Elevation reporting 13 0 :speech_balloon: Email notification when Arc stops recording locations 1 1 :speech_balloon: Enable browser access away from phone 3 2 :speech_balloon: Exist integration 20 5 :speech_balloon: Export of activity view image (for a time range) 8 1 :speech_balloon: export visited places to a .xls document 2 0 :speech_balloon: Extend Arc App to macOS for Apple Silicon Architecture 1 3 :speech_balloon: Extended export options 1 2 :speech_balloon: Extended search, for areas or current location 20 10 :speech_balloon: Faster loading on month / year view 1 1 :speech_balloon: For faster loading and showing: Offline Map 1 1 :speech_balloon: Full history map 19 17 :speech_balloon: Google Timeline Imports 13 7 :speech_balloon: Grey out days without data in calendar view 2 0 :speech_balloon: Gyroscope Import 41 6 :speech_balloon: Handle Foursquare checkins as place confirms in Arc 6 2 :speech_balloon: Hooks for Shortcut 2 0 :speech_balloon: Identify GPS noise 1 2 :speech_balloon: Import directly from Spotify 1 1 :speech_balloon: Import from Geofency 1 0 :speech_balloon: Infer Friend’s adress from Contacts 2 0 :speech_balloon: Insert Visit 12 5 :speech_balloon: IOS 13 Screenshot Support 8 1 :speech_balloon: iPad version for data vis 19 6 :speech_balloon: Journaling Suggestion API 1 1 :speech_balloon: Longer Apple Health Import 1 5 :speech_balloon: Low Accuracy Mode 1 1 :speech_balloon: Map path colors 1 0 :speech_balloon: Marc a place 1 0 :speech_balloon: Mass update an activity type in a time period to another activity type 2 0 :speech_balloon: Menu item to go to specific day from search item 2 2 :speech_balloon: Merge duplicate places 35 8 :speech_balloon: Merging the time spent at the same location on the same day 1 0 :speech_balloon: More place data stats 2 2 :speech_balloon: More stuff/activities/events in Activity view 1 0 :speech_balloon: Move all visits of a place to another 25 8 :speech_balloon: Multiple Timeline Notes 2 0 :speech_balloon: New activities at arc 1 0 :speech_balloon: New Activity Time Parameters: Custom Date Range and Since Inception or All Time 1 0 :speech_balloon: No Swedish miles 2 1 :speech_balloon: Option to hide place buttons on map 1 0 :speech_balloon: Passcode Protection 3 0 :speech_balloon: Pause GPS logging when the user is stationary 1 1 :speech_balloon: Post to HealthKit after confirm 8 1 :speech_balloon: Preferred transit method 1 4 :speech_balloon: RescueTime integration 3 0 :speech_balloon: Rich Exports (via iOS Share Sheet) 6 4 :speech_balloon: Roller coaster, transportation type 2 1 :speech_balloon: Rowing as workout 2 1 :speech_balloon: Save activity reports in Photos 6 1 :speech_balloon: Search by city 3 1 :speech_balloon: Search results with category + icon 1 5 :speech_balloon: Send tracks to ManicTime 1 0 :speech_balloon: Shortcuts action for Arc Notes 5 0 :speech_balloon: Show current location on map when viewing past days timelines 1 0 :speech_balloon: Show Foursquare venue categories (maybe as tags) 4 0 :speech_balloon: Show Kg of CO2 consumed based on transportation means 12 0 :speech_balloon: Show Total listened songs (from last.fm) in Overview/Activity view. 1 0 :speech_balloon: Simplified map without routes 1 0 :speech_balloon: Siri Shortcuts 20 8 :speech_balloon: Size diet for storage space 3 8 :speech_balloon: Slider on timeline to see activity details 9 0 :speech_balloon: Snap to road 11 1 :speech_balloon: Snowshoes 2 0 :speech_balloon: Something that lets you know if you’ve been nearby before 1 0 :speech_balloon: Split photos at midnight 6 2 :speech_balloon: Start recording button 1 1 :speech_balloon: Start stop button more in front 1 0 :speech_balloon: Start time should state date if from another day 1 0 :speech_balloon: State restore 2 1 :speech_balloon: Support more language 2 0 :speech_balloon: Tags / hashtags for visits, trips, and notes 7 4 :speech_balloon: Time Summary by Place 1 1 :speech_balloon: Track stationary activities 11 7 :speech_balloon: Trakt.Tv integration 12 1 :speech_balloon: translation of app in Turkish. 1 0 :speech_balloon: Transport via Cruise Ship 1 0 :speech_balloon: Travel planner 1 0 :speech_balloon: Undo feature 18 11 :speech_balloon: Units Option 5 1 :speech_balloon: View Trip Speed Graph from Unconfirmed Activity View 2 0 :speech_balloon: Visit Details should show Lat/Lng + more 5 0 :speech_balloon: Wintersport Activities to Add 3 0 :speech_balloon: Zoom to individual segments being edited 5 3