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  • 03 September 2019 Tim H. suggested this task

  • 03 September 2019 Matt Greenfield approved this task

  • avatar

    That’d be amazing! Also, with project Catalina, a MacBook version seems that could be doable so MacBooks could be used to process heavy tasks!

    03 September 2019
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    Well, I’m not sure about what name Apple gave to this project but it’s the one that seems to allow developers to create a Mac app without effort if you have an app for iPads.

    03 September 2019
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    It would be really helpful to have the data available on an iPad.

    06 January 2020
  • avatar

    I can only agree, this would be a better view of data, especially when looking at history data

    13 July 2023
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    This is one that I would very dearly like to have! Unfortunately it’s quite a challenge to make happen, simply due to the massive amount of data Arc records and stores, in the order of several gigabytes.

    For an iPad app to access that data it would have to read it from a cloud service. Luckily Arc already has its iCloud Drive backups feature, which the iPad app could read from. But for anyone who’s tried restoring Arc from the iCloud Drive backups, you’ll know just how long that takes. Quite a massive and slow task!

    Anyway, I’d still love to have a go at doing it someday. The more votes for the feature request the better!

    15 July 2023
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    Oh and yes, an iPad app would also mean a Mac app! As Tiloit said, these days building one means you’re building both.

    15 July 2023