

Enable browser access away from phone

Sometimes my almost 5 years worth of Arc data makes my phone grind to a halt whenever I try to add corrections or suggestions for a given day. If I could go to a browser on my computer instead to update these things, it would be faster and save me time waiting for things to update.

3 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 14 August 2019 by user Chester Ismay

Moved into Rejected 14 August 2019

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  • 14 August 2019 Chester Ismay suggested this task

  • 14 August 2019 Matt Greenfield moved this task into Rejected

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    Unfortunately this is not possible, because of Arc’s strict privacy rules. Your data is not available online because it does not leave your phone.

    Arc only stores your data on your phone, and in your optional private iCloud backup.

    That means that all data storage and processing happens directly on your phone, and only on your phone. There are no copies of your data on any of my servers, and quite intentionally so!

    Having your daily location data stored on random servers on the internet is incredibly risky, both due to the risk of server security breaches (ie servers getting hacked), and due to the potential for unethical companies getting ahold of your data. So Arc is designed to take away those risks completely, by strictly enforcing the privacy of your data.

    I hope that helps to explain!

    Thanks, Matt

    14 August 2019
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    Ah! Makes sense. Happy to deal with slowness to ensure privacy. Thanks!

    15 August 2019