Google Timeline Imports
Ability for new (and old) users who want to migrate their Google Timelines into Arc App would be fantastic.
Ability for new (and old) users who want to migrate their Google Timelines into Arc App would be fantastic.
I just did a quick look at some of my exports and you are absolutely correct. No timestamps or elevation data which is unbelievable. Typical of Google I guess.
You can export your timelines per day which I know is time consuming but ARC can assign the KML file based on filenames?
For example if you export a day and name it 2019-04-24.kml then ARC imports that data for this date only. From there we can manually assign locations. Its a bit tedious and again, time consuming but its location history that a lot of people would love to migrate over.
Some food for though I guess :-)
No update yet! This hasn’t been discussed much/at all in the past few years.
I recommend mentioning it on the support forum ( when I post the next poll for what to focus on for the next release. I tend to select poll options for those based on what’s most highly voted here on Changemap but also from what’s been recently discussed on the support forum.