

Confirm things chronologically

When confirming a large number of items, Arc jumps around in time. For example, I just confirmed an entry at 2:26 pm and am now being asked to confirm an entry at 12:15 am (14 hours earlier). This makes it hard to keep things straight on days with lots of stops.

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 11 July 2019 by user Aneel

Moved into Rejected 12 July 2019

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  • 11 July 2019 Aneel suggested this task

  • 12 July 2019 Matt Greenfield moved this task into Rejected

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    Arc asks you to confirm items out of chronological order, for a specific reason.

    When you first view the timeline, before making any corrections or confirmations, there might be 10 or more items that need confirmation, on a busy day.

    Arc determines which items are a) the easiest to confirm, and b) the most likely to help the processing engine clean up other items automatically. It then asks you to confirm those items first.

    When you confirm the first item that Arc asks about, it might then be able to reduce the 10 items needing confirmation down to only 5, due to the new information allowing the processing engine to clean up a bunch of other items automatically.

    Then when you confirm the next item it asks you about, it might be able to clean up all of the rest, of perhaps leave only 1 or 2 more items requiring confirmation.

    If Arc instead asked for confirms in chronological order, you might end up having to confirm every one of the 10 items, instead of only having to confirm 2 or 3.

    I hope that helps to explain.

    Thanks 😄 Matt

    12 July 2019
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    If Arc presents an item for confirmation that you don’t recall, or can’t determine the context of, you can always tap the “Skip” button at top right, and move on to the next one.

    The chances are that item will get cleaned up for you automatically anyway, after having confirmed one of the next items.

    My habit is to go through the confirmations quickly, in the order Arc requests, but skipping any that I’m uncertain about. Then if it returns to the timeline view, and still has more to confirm, I will tap the “X items needing confirmation” button again, and repeat the process, but this time with only the difficult ones left over.

    So I get the easy ones out of the way first, and also the ones that will assist the processing engine in doing its own cleanups. Then after that, only the difficult ones will be left, (or hopefully none left at all).

    12 July 2019