Automatic saving of JSON to somewhere that's programmatically accessible
I’d love to be able to read the auto-saved JSON exports automatically each time they’re modified, but the options for doing this are very limited in iCloud Drive, especially from non-Apple services like a AWS Lambda or a linux server somewhere.
Could Arc allow automatically saving these somewhere more accessible, such as one of:
1) Via POST requests to custom-configured endpoints 2) Custom AWS S3/Google Cloud Storage buckets 3) Dropbox 4) Google Drive
Any of these could allow third parties to build cool apps that use the data. I have private ones that map my location (Move-O-Scope style) and update hosted ICS that I view in my calendar, but I have to run them locally on my Mac, and it would be much cooler if I could automate them.
A concern around privacy could be addressed in the same way as proposed in