

Automatic saving of JSON to somewhere that's programmatically accessible

I’d love to be able to read the auto-saved JSON exports automatically each time they’re modified, but the options for doing this are very limited in iCloud Drive, especially from non-Apple services like a AWS Lambda or a linux server somewhere.

Could Arc allow automatically saving these somewhere more accessible, such as one of:

1) Via POST requests to custom-configured endpoints 2) Custom AWS S3/Google Cloud Storage buckets 3) Dropbox 4) Google Drive

Any of these could allow third parties to build cool apps that use the data. I have private ones that map my location (Move-O-Scope style) and update hosted ICS that I view in my calendar, but I have to run them locally on my Mac, and it would be much cooler if I could automate them.

A concern around privacy could be addressed in the same way as proposed in

5 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 17 July 2019 by user Yinon

Moved into Planned 01 December 2022

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  • 17 July 2019 Yinon suggested this task

  • 17 July 2019 Matt Greenfield approved this task

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    I recommend filing a feature request for a specific storage service you would like supported. Adding support for each one will require work specific to that service, so it will help to know which storage services are most popular, based on Changelog feature request vote counts.

    17 July 2019
  • 03 September 2019 Matt Greenfield moved this task into In progress

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    WebDAV is a good choice also.

    16 October 2020
  • 01 December 2022 Matt Greenfield moved this task into Planned