

Desperately needs a Check-in button (Independent from Swarm/Foursquare)

Hi Matt! I’ve started loading ARC more and more to fix or add missing waypoints during the day, and on a recent trip to Europe I found that ARC just couldn’t keep up with all the locations I had checked-in using Swarm.

There were days where ARC didn’t allow me to manually add a waypoint in my travels because it thought I was still walking around and so it combined some activities into 1 long walk without any option to individually assign a location.

SOLUTION : If ARC has its own checkin button down the bottom of the toolbar this would completely solve one of the biggest issues I’m currently experiencing with ARC. I would gladly stop using Swarm if ARC had this feature build right in.

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 18 July 2019 by user Rob

Moved into Rejected 18 July 2019

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  • 18 July 2019 Rob suggested this task

  • 18 July 2019 Matt Greenfield moved this task into Rejected

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    Hi Rob!

    Please check the “Individual Segments” view of the trip timeline items, and look for stationary segments in there. You can either tap those segments on the map, and assign them to places, or select them from the list of segments, and assign them to places that way.

    18 July 2019
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    Hi Matt.

    Thanks for the prompt response but that’s exactly what I have been doing to assigning a location, but a lot of the times there aren’t any stationary or individual segments for me to select at a specific location. It simply thinks there wasn’t enough time pass to register as a stationary point which isn’t the case and it happens often.

    One example of many is that I walked through famous laneway that had some art sculptures along the way which I wanted to capture in my travel log as a point of interest (I did this via Swarm). Then at the end of the laneway I entered a restaurant for lunch.

    Again, I used Swarm to checkin but I really wanted to capture this in ARC as well. Looking at all the individual segments showed no stationary points for me to assign during my walk though the laneway.

    I really do believe ARC needs a simple checkin feature to help with the timelines.

    18 July 2019
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    I also have this problem. Sometimes there’s no way to add a stationary point because the visit wasn’t long enough and I end up adding a note with the place name on the walking segment.

    18 July 2019
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    Rob, in those cases Arc should have recorded a stationary segment if you were stationary. So this should be classed as a bug.

    It is a bad idea to add features that have the purpose of working around bugs. Instead, the bug should be fixed. If a new feature were added every time a bug were found, so that the bug could be worked around, then apps would be full of excessive features and become more and more complex to use, while failing to improve their core functionality.

    If this happens again, please report it to me via email, with screenshots of the Individual Segments view and the map showing the segments. Then I will be able to look into possibilities for why there wasn’t a stationary segment recorded, and find ways to fix that problem.

    19 July 2019
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    Note also that if you did check in to the places with Swarm, then the Swarm Imports feature will allow those brief visits to be added to the timeline, based on Swarm checkins.

    19 July 2019
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    Of further note: One thing that can happen is if you confirm the type for an entire trip, that will often remove the stationary segments within the trip. Stationary segments will only be retained if the stationary probability of those samples was above a certain threshold.

    So if there are stationary segments that you want to split out as separate visits, it’s best to do that before you confirm the type of the entire trip. Go into “Individual Segments” first, find the stationary segments you want to mark as individual visits, split them out, then after that it’s safe to confirm the remaining trips as their main type.

    19 July 2019