Custom date ranges
Hi! It would be awesome to have the ability to create custom heat maps within certain time ranges such as all data, last year, a year but from November to November etc.
Hi! It would be awesome to have the ability to create custom heat maps within certain time ranges such as all data, last year, a year but from November to November etc.
Rod, note that you can already see maps of individual activity types by going into the details view of each activity type on the Activity tab.
The difference (I think) with this heat maps suggestion is that it would be much more of a “heat map” style presentation, where the map itself would be darkened out to the point of barely being visible, leaving only the path lines visible, thus giving a much clearer representation of the most common routes (due to overlapping paths increasing the brightness for that route line).
Another vote for heat maps. I particularly like how implemented it:
It provides a great overview of where you’ve been. The downside with wanderings is that it doesn’t support offline operation.
For me, I’d like to see a heat map of a particular area (eg. bali, with no time restriction) to know whether I’ve explored an area already or not. It would be even better if it also included my geotagged photos on the heatmap. As google maps gets very cluttered when you have thousands of starred/visited and want to go locations