

Menu item to go to specific day from search item

When looking at specific entry after search or place details menu item to go to the time line of that specific. Day

2 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 13 January by user Erik Groenhuijzen

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  • 13 January Erik Groenhuijzen suggested this task

  • 16 January Matt Greenfield approved this task

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    If you tap on an item from the Search view, it will navigate the Timeline view to that date then scroll down to the specific item.

    But if you tap on an item from one of the histogram views within Place Details view, then yeah, it won’t. That’s probably where you’re seeing the problem.

    The Place Details views actually used to do the same as the Search view, navigating to the date in Timeline view. But I changed it to the current behaviour because this current way makes it easier to tap back and forth when looking at multiple items in the list.

    I think ultimately though we need both behaviours. Sometimes we want it to take us to Timeline view and navigate to the day, and sometimes we want to just tap back and forth within the list, to check multiple items quickly. So I think what should probably be done is to have a more/ellipsis button on each item in the results list, which allow for the default action to be … well, one of the two, then the other action be available from the more/ellipsis menu.

    Anyway, this gets my vote! I think it needs to happen, one way or the other.

    16 January
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    Indeed, I mean from the place details view. From search items this is already the case. Thanks for considering this improvement.

    17 January