100+ votes :speech_balloon: Enable Two-factor Authentication 144 20 1+ votes :bulb: ProjectionLab for Employers 1 2 :tools: Incrementally add TypeScript Support 1 0 0 votes :bulb: Make auth session persistence optional (i.e. "keep me logged in") 0 0 :tools: Refactor form tree UI components to reduce mixin usage 0 0 :tools: Implement distributed locking mechanism for Paddle API operations in GCP 0 0 :tools: Customize domain for firebase emails 0 0 :tools: Upgrade to Firebase Auth with Identity Platform 0 0 :tools: Incrementally migrate options API components to script setup & composition API 0 0 :tools: Automate profile metadata sync & denormalization 0 0 :tools: Firestore snapshot handlers should be more idempotent 0 0 :tools: Systematize UI cards, dialogs, menus 0 0