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  • 29 November 2021 Kyle Nolan created this task

  • avatar

    This would be an amazing add on for all us dual citizen USA / UK (or other nationalities) where the complexity of planning due to accounts in different nations/currencies and varying exchange rates makes forecasting out incredibly difficult to model.

    28 February 2022
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    I would also make use of this, especially with planned moves abroad where we need to plan about purchasing properties in various cities. For us in particular, this means USA, Korea, Canada.

    23 April 2022
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    +100 for this request. This is absolutely critical in Canada not to mention Latin American countries.

    24 June 2022
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    this would of be great if it could help me understand the impact of poor/great exchange rates

    29 July 2022
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    This would be great for expatriates working in a particular country but who might retire back in their home country with assets and investments in both nations. Tracking such investments would be much easier.

    16 April 2023
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    Essential feature, please please please

    25 May 2023
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    Please! This is the type of planning that gets tricky without software and would be a welcome feature.

    23 June 2023
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    This feature would enable consolidation and better action for fluctuations, and hopefully will lead to more features for mixed-country planning. (I have a feeling many people in the FIRE communities would make great use of such features). Thank you for taking on the challenge!

    15 July 2023
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    This would be a very useful tool to assist Expats. In my my case I have accounts, investments and savings in different countries with different currencies.

    24 September 2023
  • avatar

    I’m very keen on this. I am a UK citizen living in South Africa. I have accounts in different currencies. Even just being able to use the current exchange rate would be great. Even better if the planning would take changing exchange rates into consideration. It makes a huge difference in my investment growth.

    27 October 2023
  • avatar

    USD and Thai Baht would be amazing!

    19 November 2023
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    I’m a dual citizen and have assets in Germany and Australia. Looking forward to this feature.

    Euro (Germany) and AUD (Australian Dollar)

    20 December 2023
  • 14 February 2024
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    Experimenting with moving to different regions and keeping track of assets in different currencies is a critical feature.

    05 August 2024
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    I discovered ProjectionLab recently and am very excited with the features, but as dual-South African/UK citizen with assets in both countries, and investments in the US in USD, it’s not something that I can use yet, as multi-currency features are critical for my planning. With ZAR, it’s also important that ZAR/USD exchange rates can be projected forward as it’s an important element of my financial planning.

    Really, looking forward to re-evaluating this product once multi-currency is supported.

    08 September 2024
  • avatar

    +1 for this as a necessary feature for Projection Lab.

    15 October 2024
  • avatar

    +1 Canadian/UK dual citizen here that would really benefit from this.

    26 November 2024
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    =1 For Indonesian Rupiah - it would make this tool 100% perfect for us expats!

    01 December 2024
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    Currently holding assets in CAD and USD, would greatly benefit from multi-currency support!

    17 December 2024
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    Would love multi-currency support (USD/EUR). Since I hold assets in two currencies, without this feature, Projection Lab is unfortunately not usable for me.

    05 January
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    @Ana K I’ve been using ProjectionLab with multiple currencies for over a year now. My workaround is to choose a base currency (e.g. EUR) and once a month when I enter the numbers I simply calculate everything into the base currency. It’s really not a big effort nowadays, mostly an annoyance.

    07 January
  • avatar

    @Enrico. I have been doing the same things but I still really want the multi currency in app. It is important to have both the native and converted value for each time step. For example: 1. Seeing historical values in their native currency (eg. you had 100k of 401k from working in the USA, you might be interested in how it has grown in its native currency). 2. Planning based on future exchange rates, or moving money overseas at different times.

    08 January
  • avatar

    This work around doesn’t work for me unfortunately. I need multi currency support because I want to test what happens if one of the currencies depreciates faster than the other one. Is it better to move my money into my country of residence and pay of my mortgage (11% interest rate here!) But potentially lose more if the currency drops much further? I’d like to test these in scenarios

    08 January
  • avatar

    Also be good to have, wife is non us and has no tax on interest. Account should be tax free (option). Her home currency also appreciates against the USD about 1% a year. I currently use the British Isa for it, but this may be making things like the Monte Carlo simulation incorrect as it may think it’s a security?

    09 January
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    I’m currently juggling 3 different currencies, and it would be great to be able to input the actual currency values rather than doing my own conversions. I would also love to see a way to visualize gains/losses due to currency exchanges.

    19 January
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    Just adding another data point here - This feature would be helpful for dual citizens and/or users with partners from different countries. I’m currently working around this by manually converting other currency amounts to USD

    25 January
  • avatar

    Agree with all of the above. Would be keen to have (i) automated conversion of base currency (ii) multi-currency support and (iii) ability to switch currencies at different timesteps in a plan (i.e. if I earn in USD and want to know year X income in GBP).

  • avatar

    This would be hugely helpful!
