

% correlation between selected comparators on Advanced Insights

Given there is essentially an X- and Y- comparison of each linearalized insight, it would be awesome (and quick) to add a percent correlation (based on R2 factor) for trend-line over time. I see the correlation in some senses, but a quick glance would be super useful.

4 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 17 September 2021 by user Raewyn Duvall

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  • 17 September 2021 Raewyn Duvall suggested this task

  • 17 September 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    Yes! I’m so surprised this isn’t part of the app. The “correlations” which are just a colorful image gives me no additional insights than i get from just living this life. Of course you need to privide proper correlation coefficients! For example, what is the correlation between mood and sleep quality, and what is the correlation between energy and sleep quality? The colorful image does not help me with that.

    02 May 2022