
Welcome to the public roadmap for Thought Detox! Here you can suggest and vote for new features, see what’s being worked on, and keep up with what’s coming next.

As Dropped Bits is a one-developer “team”, I have to carefully choose which features are approved, and can’t provide timelines for when a certain feature will be released. Generally, I work on bugs first, and then on new features, and I hope to release a new version of the app every month or so.

Useful Links
  • Website: The official site for Thought Detox.
  • App Store product page: Where to get Thought Detox for your iPhone.
  • Web App: The original, open-source, and always-free version of Thought Detox.
  • Dropped Bits, Inc.: The company I founded for publishing apps.
  • Privacy Policy: I take your privacy extremely seriously, and have tried to create an easy-to-understand policy that describes what data is collected, and how it’s used.