Update: I use Toggle to track productive and unproductive time, and Exist currently bundles all your Toggle time into a single metric, “productive time”. So I’m very interested in a Beeminder integration that allowed me to pull in a specific Beeminder goal (or more than one), since Beeminder does allow me to associate goals with specific Toggl goals and/or tags.
I would love to see this. I imagine a report in Exist on the states of my Beeminder goals (which ones are green, derailed, etc.)—though that might get unwieldy for those with lots of goals.
I also agree with Nico: I’d love to be able to pull in a specific Beeminder goal or specific Toggl clients/projects/tags. I’ve just switched from RescueTime to Toggl for the “productive time” reporting, and while that’s a lot more accurate and meaningful, it isn’t perfect.