See here http://blog.hellocode.co/post/apple-health/#sleep-data for why we’re holding off on this. We’ll review periodically and implement this if/when the situation changes.
I’m not sure if Apple changed this in iOS 10, but now there are three different sleep modes (seems like it has been like this since iOS 8): https://developer.apple.com/reference/healthkit/hkcategoryvaluesleepanalysis/
inBed, asleep and awake.
In my data written by Sleep++, an entry looks for instance like this:
So it seems like Apple has this pretty well defined now?
@andershafreager1 I think you’re right, these options were always part of HealthKit. The problem isn’t that Apple hasn’t clearly defined the data, it’s that Apple doesn’t require more than one type of data. So apps can put 8 hours of time asleep into Apple Health, without adding any time in bed. Or they put both time in bed and time asleep into Apple Health with the same values. That data is useless, because we all know the time you spend in bed trying to sleep is never exactly the same as the time you spend asleep.
I believe Sleep++ has improved its data, and now has different values for time in bed and time asleep. Last time I checked, no other apps had done this, but I’ll definitely test them all when I get to this again in the future.
@bellebethcooper What about concentrate on the best sleep gadgets which really work? E.g. Beddit. Their data are very good and have real correlations with sleep. Who is serious about measuring their sleep, should use it. I like Sleep++ but the data are not so reliable as Beddit and all the workflow around preparing Watch for measurement is annoying and terrible. My personal correlations between beddit sleep score (especially length of sleep and HR) and my mood/concentration etc. are really high. Using Exist without sleep data is a bit nonsense. Sleep is essential for everyone especiall in long term.
@tombarys As you can see on the Beddit card, it doesn’t have many votes: https://trello.com/c/QYlg5fQX/61-beddit-smart-21-votes
Since we started this Trello board, Beddit has only garnered 5 votes while Apple Health sleep data has 35. If it was more popular we’d look into integrating Beddit, but we have to do integrations that offer the most value for the most users.
If you haven’t voted up the Beddit card already, feel free to do so!
@tombarys Sure, I definitely think a lot of the data in Apple Health that’s tracked with phones or watches rather than dedicated hardware is mediocre or worse. Unfortunately, because it’s Apple, it’s also popular and convenient, so there’s a lot of expectation around supporting data from Apple Health, even if it’s not the best quality.
This is now live! Thanks to all my beta testers for their help. Announcement here: https://exist.io/blog/apple-health-sleep-launch/